Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Appreciation.... An Essential Ingredient

No matter who we are, No matter what our actions may say, all of us long for recognition in one form or another. I am not just talking about appreciation at work but in personal life/relationships with brothers, sisters, parents, friends, life partners ...all with whom we are associated.

Let me first start with a quote by William Arthur which says
"Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I may not forget you"

Ever wondered why one said "I dont care what others say, I am not bothered and it matters the least to me, I am what I want to be, I say what I want to say", this is the person is the most attention-wanting species, and they care a lot about what others think. He would be the one who would rarely apologize(and would surely negate what I have written here :P)

In relationships of all kinds we should be just the opposite of the above, Whether a guy or a girl, our relationship is affected greatly by many questions, including the question that whether or not we want the other person to think positively about us and appreciate us. While majority of the females are used to hearing “You look so beautiful” from guys, real people who want real relationships can slowly realize whether or not they are being sincerely appreciated by their significant others. The same way you get bored and even annoyed hearing “Wow you are such a good person” from people who never help you when you need help but they say such things when they need your help, why would you accept a relationship where you are rarely appreciated sincerely? , surely any one who would be honest would know the right answer here ...and any one who can understand this would know what can MAKE a relation worth it and totally enjoyable..

A relationship exists between two people to know each other and to sincerely let the other person know that their actions and thoughts are helping the other person, among a few other things. Such appreciation should come naturally and not at times when you are in a situation or when you feel that appreciating the other person will get that person off your back or is going to be an escape. Still, many relationships exist where one person, is rarely appreciated. This happens when there is an assumed mentality or there is a hesitation or simply ego.
The choice and decision is also yours whether or not you wish to be in a relationship where the other person takes for granted what you do for yourself, for the relationships and for the other person. But I strongly believe that any relation where One is not appreciating the other for small things, as small as appreciating for bringing a smile on the face wouldn't be strong and lively for long. The person being taken for granted would surrender to the idea believing that Life is just like this and nothing could change it, after all there isn't enough motivation to sacrifice or compromise for the other.

There is a difference between appreciation and focus. Appreciation usually happens when the other person is reacting to your actions, by letting you know somehow that he is very happy or satisfied and grateful that you are doing something that the other person likes.
Giving focus, on the other hand, is the original action. If someone is appreciating you because you cared for them while they were not keeping well, it is usually because you focused part of your life on that person. You focus on something, and get appreciated in return and if not gradually you stop focusing and resulting into a not enough dedication to the person as now you really don't want to(although you do)care much as it ends up leaving you dissatisfied and hungry.

People, appreciation is not that difficult, its just a matter of time when we would find it easy to appreciate, surely for us who are not used to this would find it a mammoth task to appreciate but its just once or twice and it would become a part of our lives.

I strongly urge to bring in appreciation into your lives to keep any relation Live and Rocking!!!

Happy Appreciating..!!! :) :)



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Confused Guys...Arranged Marriage....Stereotype Prevails...

It was just another Friday' when we office mates wish to go to a PUB for some good music and booze just adds on to make the stress busting effective...It was 6th Feb 09 . . The Pub we went to was 'the brew bar' at Phoenix mall, the DJ totally ruined our evening and our thirst for some good music only increased, the lousy music was lousy enough to call it quits to the brew bar and we are pretty sure of not going to this pub any more.......

We moved out of the bar and what we see - girls in mini's, or in little clothes, which didn't appeal to me, Have I come off age?? naa... I don't think so. I then realized I am not the hep! modern! Indian Male and am surely the one who appreciates beauty in suites and decent clothes(I am not at all saying I don't like girls in Skirts, but let them be a little decent :) ), well talking about the guys clad in D&G trousers, belts etc, who were running around kissing every girl they met were very much like kids not more than 17 years old and I thought Indian Rules of going to a PUB was 21 years Old and above...but as usual we conveniently by pass laws...

I guess after all the above we decided to go to the station(as we are'nt the guys who have hondas, mercs to travel back home :)) and surely we didn't want to miss the Last Local..

The walk and travel was of some 45 mins, this was good enough time to talk something CONSTRUCTIVE and chintu(name changed) asked bunty, monty, billu and me(vaibhav - cant change my name) .... following were chintu's Questions regarding Arrange marriage...

Would you ask the girl 'are you a virgin' ? ; what if she said NO and if she said said YES , what if she said was a lie which you realize after marriage?

Would you ask her about any relationship she had, what if she did have and what if it was a lie that she said she didn't have...

Majority of the participants very candidly agreed to that despite they might have had a relation or may not be a verile they still would strongly look for a girl with no past ... it sounded very much like typical stereotype Indian males and this was perfectly fine with this and there isnt any thing that stops from accepting this fact...kudos to the confidence males carry ...

Typically for most of us, these questions were a little disturbing as they only scared us more for an arranged marriage, one of us could'nt answer most of the above and surely did say the following..." I would rather not ask these questions and I would just say one thing, if at all the girl has had a past and she is comfortable talking about it, I am ok but i personally wouldnt insist in knowing the past, I am happy without mentioning it and I totally look into present and future; Surely I expect commitment and honesty in a relation I am entering"; Well as expected this answer wasn't taken well by most and there was a laugh loud enough for the guy to rethink whether what ever he was saying was right or wrong or was it making sense ......

Phew!! these were questions I always wondered couldn't have a perfect answer.

another question came up w.r.t. guys being possessive about girls, well this is where we all hit the same chord, we all would surely be possessive for our partners ...after all thats what a relation is and total commitment and the new word thats pretty popular with girls these days - 'SPACE' is creating all the trouble and being a reason for discomfort....

its in guys to be possessive and the above is just not a good sign....

well ...would write more on Girls , Space and Possessiveness in another post..that would come soon....



Monday, March 9, 2009

What a girl wants....yea..we guys know this!!!

Hey am not talking about the materialistic Wants of a girl which are very obvious and mentioning them here would only make the post boring as its a known fact ..and this want always stays :) ( no offense girlzz :)....

Well this blog is going to be a sure surprise to girls as they wouldn't expect the guy to understand and trust me, the vice-verse also holds true; Guys have generally been the ones who do not disclose what they think as it takes lot of efforts for men to mellow down and display the soft and docile side and after all BOYS DON'T CRY ..!! :)

Men fall short of words when its most needed and girls are always wanting to listen those unsaid here goes the 1st want "They WANT to listen to what you think and there is no telepathy that they would understand They want to be told that how much lucky are you to have her and how much you care for her"

There is always a plan that a guy wants to follow but when it comes to the girls dictionary, this ceases to exist and all should be unplanned or simply "Girls like it when its not planned is excites them most, so DONT PLAN"

Girls are self obsessed but they would never agree to this and its better you don't even dare to say this to them and burn your fingers......and "Girls prefer to be called beautiful than being called HOT " ....

Girls cherish small things that you do for her than BIG BIG live by the day...

Girls are very fragile at heart...and this is what guys generally forget(and surely they know this) when the situation demands that you do not forget at any cost, never give a cold shoulder...this act would leave a long impact which would be difficult to change....

Girls are 2nds when they have to talk guys better don't waste time waiting for them to call the 1st....because 2nd is not an option :)....but be assured girls are always ready to talk so call them ....

Girls have two sides to them selves, the one that they show to the world which is pretty strong and you'd be a fool to believe that girls are not good enough to handle pressures and work environment, because if you are a friend you only see the other side of her which is that of a kid and the side always wanting to be pampered'
so let her be that kid as that would keep the Girl in her alive and dont worry about her social life, she is well equipped to handle it...

Girls are not really receptive to too practical talks about life and that makes them let them live in a fantasy of their own and yes, you have to protect them when its needed....

do not intrude when they are in dire need of time with themselves...and if you do poke your nose you are sure to receive a blow(not a physical one but surely its not going to be a good experience ;-) ) so leave them alone then....


will write more when I can think of more :)....after all this isnt an easy subject to write on...

Me, Ignorance, A two faced(or a multi faced) individual....

I have always been a deep thinker and untill lately had been expressing what ever I thought....i was wondering last night, Have I changed too much to fit into this society which wants me to be good on the outside; The ruthless society keeps reminding me that 'its none of my business'...
I have not been feeling too good about the new ME as it doesn't fit into my way of being.
People know me as an extrovert....but I fall into another category of extroverts(this categorization is done after I realized that I actually am not an extrovert but...), the category of people who speak too much and express a lot but do not speak up when it hurts them the most, who do not express what they expect, fear expressing their dislikes which might contradict the likes of a friend or a family a sense of insecurity creeps in..the insecurity of loosing the close ones.....

I haven't been the best of listeners as I have surrendered to the way of being non considerate, believe me its just a pretension, the thinking never ends...

I have created a so called shield which possibly appears to be a strong one but the flip side to this shield is that it has pokes on the inside, the more am hit on from the outside and it totally appears that I am safe and sound (or a hard nut to crack), I am pricked harder from within...

Is this all IGNORANCE on my part? as they say ignorance is bliss ... i really doubt am not at any ease now...its the same as it was earlier but yes the sure thing is that I am less vulnerable, I have got rid of the worry to be attacked(is this too strong a word??) by any one.......

Like always there are strings attached with every action....this change(which is just a visual change, as i am the same from within) has left me a little less involved with society, I have been keeping a distance which is not called for and hence...I have a few people in my life who have seen the good part of me and perceive me as a absolutely different person, and there are a few who i wish to show the good part of me but still don't take me the way they this due to my so called double(or hidden) personality, after all I am a hard core Gemini..I wouldn't like to prove the astrologers wrong..Talking about astrology Gemini'ans, the following about us seems to be surely true...

"Others will think that Gemini are fun to be with, but your ability to change with the changing winds can also lead others to see Gemini as shallow"

The seriousness I carry at times brings in a total conflict with my lightened mood which prevails most of the time which obviously becomes a reason for dislike for many, but as it was said in a movie(now i dont remember which one) "When its about seriousness, I am bloody serious"...

As of now I seem to be very much confused about the 'way of being' that is best for me...for my close ones...



Vaibhav Pruthi.........